Friday, July 22, 2011

Toilet Paper Rolls Reused :)

I don't know about your house, but mine is filled with 8 people and lots of guest and we go through a lot of toilet paper. Awkward, kinda...but it's true. After you are finished with a roll, instead of throwing it away in the trash, keep it! You can do fun little projects with them. I am sure you have seen stuff where you can make little binoculars for the kiddos, but what could apply to you or me? I made a flower! I still have a lot more rolls to add to it, but here is what I have so far...

I cut up rolls in 3's.

Plugged in my nifty baby hot glue gun

Started with a core of 6 rolls glued together...

And then, BAM!

I am possibly going to add some paint to it when I am all done, but I am not 100% yet. I kinda of like the rustic look. 

Make one of your own and shoe me! :)

Felt Flower Headbands

So, I know OSU's fan moral may be a little down this season because of all the crap that has gone on, but I don't care. I am still excited. Once a Buckeye fan, always a Buckeye fan. On that note, I decided to start making game gear early. I made Emily and I two headbands with felt. They were super easy and fun to make. I plan on making some more in different colors and different bands. If you are interested in buying one or wanting me to make you a custom one, let me know. I am selling them for $8.00. How cute is my little model? :)


So, I apologize for my long term hiatus. My boyfriend just moved to Ohio, so I have been showing him around Columbus and we have had TONS of family events, not to mention spent a whole week in the Ohio Valley for a reunion. I love being so close to family again, but I am exhausted!! But the writing must go on, so I am back on the grind.

I did a little bit of shopping, okay well, a lot and got some great stuff. I have also been in a crafty mood again. I have two tutorials coming up and some awesome finds to show off. Oh & while I was missing I got to be a model on an awesome photoshoot with my friend, Lauren at

Here is a sneak peak :)